BattleTech: PlushyTech

BattleTech Community Ads

(Redirected from UrbanMech Plushie)
PlushyTech UrbanMech.jpg
BattleTech: PlushyTech
Product information
Type Plush toy
Publication information
Publisher Catalyst Game Labs
First published 18 August, 2021
MSRP Various

BattleTech: PlushyTech is a series of stuffed plush toys of notable BattleMechs from the BattleTech universe.


Fans of the franchise had long asked for BattleTech plush toys, a number creating fan-produced versions and patterns, but concerned about popularity of such assumed to be niche items official rights holders like Catalyst Game Labs never seriously considered them. The first official plush toy was created as part of the 2019 Clan Invasion crowdfunding campaign for the BattleTech: Clan Invasion boxset. With the campaign proving far more popular than Catalyst Game Labs had ever anticipated, the company asked fans what additional products they wanted for stretch goals with a notable number of respondents suggesting products based around the quirky UrbanMech which had achieved memetic mascot status in direct comparison to its performance in tabletop. Attached to the US$2,000,000 "No Guts, No Galaxy" stretch goal, this was achieved and Catalyst undertook development of the plush toy.

Patterned on the same color scheme as Kirax's UrbanMech from the BattleTech Salvage Box: UrbanMech, the so-called PlushyTech UrbanMech was offered as an additional add-on item available for purchase at all backer levels, the pirate pattern intended to be exclusive to the campaign with a small number offered at conventions and Catalyst's online store. With the general uptick in interest in the franchise in the lead-up to the 2023 Mercenaries Crowdfunding Campaign for the BattleTech: Mercenaries boxset, Catalyst Game Labs turned the one-off swag item into a series, initiating development of further PlushyTech entries with prototypes shown off at KerenskyCon ahead of general release in July 2023.


BattleMech Faction Release Date RRP
UrbanMech Santander's Killers 18 August, 2021 $29.99
UrbanMech Death Commandos 7 July 2023 $34.99
Archer Kell Hounds 7 July 2023 $44.99
Archer Wolf's Dragoons (Jaime Wolf's command lance colors) 7 July 2023 $44.99
Phoenix Hawk House Kurita (Legion of Vega colors) 7 July 2023 $39.99
Phoenix Hawk 21st Centauri Lancers 7 July 2023 $39.99
Atlas House Davion (Davion Brigade of Guards colors) 14 July 2023 $49.99
Atlas Eridani Light Horse 14 July 2023 $49.99

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