
If you need to talk to me, the most reliable means is via the Sarna discord:

#This user chats on the BattleTechWiki Community Discord server as ElizatronicWarfare.

Redirect Template[edit]

#REDIRECT [[Target Page]]

Character Infobox Template[edit]

| image               = File Name.ext
| caption             = Image Alt Text
| name                = Name
| birthdate           = 
| died                = 
| othernames          = 
| affiliation         = [[Group]]
| rank                = [[Rank]] of [[Organisation]]
| title               = 
| position            = 
| profession          = [[Job]]
| parents             = 
| siblings            = 
| spouse              = 
| children            = 

Citation Template[edit]

<ref>''Book Name'', p.###-###, "Chapter/Section Name"</ref>
<ref name=BNp###-###>''Book Name'', p.###-###, "Chapter/Section Name"</ref>
<ref name=BNp###-###/>

Article Footer Template[edit]

== References ==

== Bibliography ==
* ''[[Book Name]]''