Venessa Jym

Venessa Jym
AffiliationLexington Combat Group

Venessa Jym was a mercenary officer with the Lexington Combat Group.[1]


An experienced and elite pilot, Jym was commanding elements of the Lexington Combat Group operating on the Free Worlds League planet of Anegasaki, masquerading as League troops attempting to provoke a war between the League and the Capellan Confederation reportedly at the behest of the Federated Suns. SAFE discovered this and hired a mercenary unit to stop them, the fastest expedient being a head hunter strike against Jym. While successful, Jym's death would provoke the remaining troops of the LCG into a retaliatory strike against a civilian colony on Calloway and leading SAFE to uncover that the Davion mercenaries had in fact been hired by anti-Liao extremists, including elements of the Fourth Fusiliers of Oriente, trying to convince the League to engage in all-out war against the Confederation.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries, "The Enemy of My Enemy"
