Vordermark (Bloodname)

The Vordermark Bloodname was a Clan Widowmaker founding name.[1]

Known Bloodname Holders[edit]

Bloodname Founder[edit]


A few Widowmaker genetic legacies survived as exclusive Clan Wolf Bloodnames into the Invasion Era. The most famous bearer of Widowmaker DNA (though not a Widowmaker Bloodname) was Natasha Kerensky, who used Widowmaker imagery as part of her public persona. While Kyle Vordermark's conduct was deems unClanlike and dishonorable during the Widowmaker absorption, it is unclear if his Bloodname has been reaved, merely left unused, or if his body and genetic samples had been destroyed and unrecoverable.[citation needed]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Historical: Operation Klondike, p. 37, "Clan Widowmaker"


See also[edit]