Wade Tobias Staczyk

Wade Tobias Staczyk
Also known asStacks[1]
AffiliationLyran Commonwealth
ChildrenNassi Staczyk

Wade Tobias Staczyk was, as of August 2815, a former LCAF MechWarrior, a member of the Fifth Lyran Regulars stranded on Szepes.[1][2]


At age seven, Wade saw an Atlas in his hometown, inspiring him to become a MechWarrior. In 2785, Wade joined the LCAF, serving for twenty-nine years. During his career, Wade had a daughter, Nassi. Wade tried to give her a doll from every system he visited, giving Nassi the nicknames "Dolly-Doll" and "Dolly." She died before the age of eight, and Wade struggled afterwards with memories interfering with his job.[1]

On 13 August 2814, on the way to Zortman on a clandestine raid, the Leopard-class DropShip carrying Staczyk was shot down by Free Worlds League forces over Szepes. Due to the protection of his BattleMech, Wade was the sole survivor, escaping the DropShip as it sank into a bog. He and his 'Mech soon arrived at a small village, Zamarun, troubled by attacks by a local pirate gang called the Foxhounds. Wade eventually agreed to defend the village, destroying the full lance by taking advantage of the bog his DropShip was lost in.[1]

Staczyk settled in Zamarun afterwards, organizing the town's defenses and finding himself in a growing romantic relationship with former Eridani Light Horse MechWarrior Reeta. On 27 August 2815, a friend and former colleague from the Fifth, Luca, arrived in town searching for Staczyk. Having a bounty on her head for killing a Free Worlds League noble, she asked Wade to turn her in and send the reward to her nephew Jaquez, in need of funds for vital medical treatments. After fighting off some bounty hunters, losing his 'Mech in the process, Wade turned Luca in to League authorities.[2]


Wade Staczyk piloted a Guillotine,[1] increasingly worn down until it was disabled on 27 August 2815.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Breach
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Promise
