Wild Geese

The Wild Geese.jpg
The Wild Geese
Formed Prior to 2999[1]
Disbanded 3073 (destroyed)[2]
Affiliation Mercenary
Parent Command Independent


Formed prior to 2999 by Brigadier General Allen Faulkner, the Wild Geese were a secret well-kept by Ian and Hanse Davion. They were required to use the false colors of other Davion units for the over 40 years that the unit was employed by the AFFS and then AFFC. In 3051 the unit assaulted Blackjack, a world held by Clan Jade Falcon, suffering heavy casualties. It took over a decade to rebuild the unit to its former strength. During the Capellan-St. Ives War in 3062, the unit helped the Blackwind Lancers to escape Ambergrist. In 3062 they joined the Allied Mercenary Command (AMC) and fought with the 13th Stalking Horse on Sheratan. Currently the unit is stationed at Alta Vista.[1]

In 3069 the Geese left together with the Thirteenth Stalking Horse of the Federated Suns. ROM intercepted communications from the Word of Blake in late October 3068 indicating that the Blakists considered both the Geese and the Thirteenth priority targets, but had lost track of both units after they left Alta Vista, and indicated that both units had left Alta Vista shortly after the combined Wolf's Dragoons/Clan Wolf-in-Exile raid on Outreach. The Word of Blake indicated that Alisande Faulkner of the Wild Geese had been declared head of the Allied Mercenary Command shortly before both units left Alta Vista.[3]

Both units were battered while attacking Spica in 3071, through Blakist reinforcement. (Half of the Horse and the Blackhorse Squadron from the Geese were lost).[4] The battle stopped the flow of relief materials to the Steel Forest devastated after an industrial accident there two weeks prior to the attack. The battles disrupted the relief columns for all three days, making the denizens of the forest suffer. The Spica Protectorate Militia responded to the mercenaries' landings immediately with the Light of Devotion II-epsilon arriving within two hours of the mercenaries' DropShips landing and immediately brought the mercenaries under fire. They held their ground for six hours until the rest of the Blessed Solidity-III gamma arrived and forced the mercenaries on the defensive. The Protectorate Militia forced the Wild Geese's DropShips back into the air, making it impossible for the Geese to resupply with them. The Thirteenth sought the shelter of the edges of the Steel Forest, pursued by the balance of Blessed Solidity. They managed to break contact several times, but the Planetary Militia relocated them quickly every time. By the time the rest of the Planetary Militia units had contained the mercenaries, the Stalking Horse made a fighting retreat.[5]

The Wild Geese were a part of a Regulan task force led by the Fourth Regulan Hussars and sent to attack Gibson in August 3073, where they were destroyed at the hands of the Forty-ninth and Fifty-second Shadow Divisions. A number of other units were also destroyed completely, including the 13th Stalking Horse, but some survivors managed to escape by DropShip after the Wild Geese sold themselves to buy time. With the Regulan ground offensive firmly defeated, Word of Blake WarShips appeared in-system and shattered the Regulan naval forces, with only a few survivors escaping.[6][2][7]


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of The Wild Geese
Brigadier General Allen Faulkner (prior to) 2999 - 3051[1]
Brigadier Alisande Faulkner 3067 - 3071[1]

Other Officers[edit]


Brigadier Alisande Faulkner is a gifted tactician and student of mobile warfare.[1]


The unit use armor and infantry to pin down an enemy and BattleMechs/aerofighters to destroy the enemy.[1]



Composition History[edit]


Wild Geese (Reinforced Regiment/Veteran/Fanatical)[1]

  • CO: Brigadier Alisande Faulkner

Regimental Headquarters Troop

Blackhorse Squadron

- All designs are jump capable 'Mechs of fifty-five tons and above.

Ironhorse Squadron

- This Squadron contains heavy and assault 'Mechs.

Darkhorse Squadron

  • CO: Major Alexander Zehnder

- The fast light and medium 'Mechs are used for flanking maneuvers and reconnaissance.


  • Each squadron is a reinforced battalion (6 companies each, called Troops). All squadrons are supported by additional hover armor, VTOLs, and battle armor troops.[1]
  • The unit is inspired by Andrew McLaglen's 1978 film The Wild Geese. Both units share names and original CO's name (Allen Faulkner).


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Mercenaries Supplemental II, p. 64: "Unit Profile"
  2. 2.0 2.1 Jihad Hot Spots: 3076, pp. 41–42: "Chaos Overwhelming: Dante's Daydream"
  3. Black Ascending, p. 192: "AMC Status Advisory"
  4. Mercenaries Supplemental Update, p. 14
  5. AMC Stragglers Shattered on Spica
  6. Jihad Hot Spots: 3076, pp. 31, 34: "Timeline of the Jihad"
  7. Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 52: "The Jihad in Review (13 Aug 3073)"
  8. Technical Readout: 3058 Upgrade, p. 58: "Warrior H-8 Attack Helicopter - Notable Crews"
