
Organization Profile
TypeIntelligence Agency
Parent OrganizationWolf's Dragoons

Wolfnet was the intelligence agency of the Wolf's Dragoons mercenary commanded. It included the elite Seventh Kommando.

Wolfnet's points of view are generally impartial towards any particular Successor State and it is known to have infiltrated almost every other intelligence agencies.[citation needed]

The Jihad[edit]

It is known that the organization survived the early years of the Jihad in some form, as they continued to produce intelligence reports.

During the Jihad, however, the Opacus Venatori eliminated many Wolfnet operatives in the Chaos March.[1]


The following individuals are known to be part of Wolfnet:


  1. Turning Points: Arcturus, p. 10: "Opacus Venatori"
  2. Wolf Pack, p. 20
  3. Wolf Pack, p. 360
  4. Mercenary's Handbook 3055
  5. A Guide to Covert Ops, p. 101
  6. 20 Year Update, p. 5
  7. Wolf Pack, p. 261
  8. Wolf Pack, p. 320
  9. Technical Readout: 3050 Upgrade, pp. 4–5
  10. Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 5, p. 10: "Marauder II - Notable 'Mechs and MechWarriors"
