Yvette McAllister

Yvette McAllister
Also known asIce Maiden[1]
AffiliationHombres Stables
ProfessionArena Gladiator

Yvette McAllister was a Solaris MechWarrior.


McAllister was born in the Tamar Pact and arrived on Solaris after the fall of Tamar during the Clan Invasion. She fostered an almost rabid hatred of the Lyran Alliance and the Federated Suns and was still bitter because of the loss of her homeworld to the Clans. During interviews, she had expressed that those who fought for either half of the failed Commonwealth were "pathetic weaklings" unworthy of mercy.[1]

As a result of her fighting style, she was nicknamed the Ice Maiden for the mechanical precision with which she dispatched her foes in combat. She was also known because she often employed special laser lighting effects to enhance her 'Mech's outline and she was a regular terror in The Scrapyard, her favored arena.[1]


Yvette McAllister piloted a SA-RN7 Ronin which she named Tamar's Revenge.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Technical Readout: 3055 Upgrade, p. 152: "SA-RN7 Ronin"
