240 Fusion Engine

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General Motors 240[edit]

Manufactured on Manufactured by Typically used in References
Graham IV (destroyed 2775) Mitchell Vehicles HCT-213 Hellcat [1]
Luthien Luthien Armor Works - OmniMech Production Facility SR1-O Strider [2]
Betelgeuse Aldis Industries Schrek [3][4]

General Motors Super 240[edit]

Manufactured on Manufactured by Typically used in References
Nanking Kallon Industries Partisan Air Defense Tank [5]

GoreTex 240[edit]

Manufactured on Manufactured by Typically used in References
Terra Aldis Industries Demolisher [6]

New Samarkand
Aldis Industries
Alphard Trading Corporation
New Samarkand Metals
Schrek [7][8][9][10]

Hermes 240[edit]

Manufactured on Manufactured by Typically used in References
Irian & Shiro III Irian BattleMechs Unlimited HER-2S Hermes II
HER-5S Hermes II

Pitban 240[13][edit]

Manufactured on Manufactured by Typically used in References
Hesperus II Defiance Industries Manticore Heavy Tank [14]
Dunianshire Majesty Metals and Manufacturing Manticore Heavy Tank [15]
Terra Leopard Armor Rhino Combat Vehicle [16]
Panpour (disconitnued in 3000)
Jalastar Aerospace
Lockheed/CBM Corporation
CNT-1D Centurion [17]
Tematagi (destroyed 3069)
Lapida II
Nimakachi Fusion Products Limited SDR-5V Spider
SDR-7M Spider
Bell (destroyed 2812) Andoran Industries, Limited CLNT-2-3T Clint [20]
Andoran Industries, Limited
Defiance Industries
CLNT-2-3U Clint [21]
Tematagi (destroyed 3069
Nimakachi Fusion Products Limited
Coventry Metal Works
VL-2T Vulcan
VL-5M Vulcan
Savannah Technicron Manufacturing AWS-8Q Awesome [24]
Hesperus II (discontinued 3014) Defiance Industries STN-3K Sentinel [25]
Hesperus II Defiance Industries STN-3L Sentinel [26]
Luthien Luthien Armor Works LNC25-02 Lancelot [27]
Talon (moon of Wernke)
Kallon Industries
Trellshire Heavy Industries
Red Devil Industries
RFL-3N Rifleman [28]
Solaris VII Omnitech Industries TS-P1D Tsunami [29]
Alpheratz Mountain Wolf BattleMechs MLN-1A Merlin [30]
Warlock Ceres Metals Industries HEL-3D Helios [31]
Paradise Curtiss Militech YMN-6Y Yeoman [32]
Terra Skobel MechWorks LGC-0 I Legacy [33]
Skye Cyclops Incorporated Praetorian [34]
OSR-9C Ostroc Mk II [35]

Shinobi 240[edit]

Manufactured on Manufactured by Typically used in References
Schuyler Wakazashi Enterprises S-3 Sai [36]

VOX 240a[edit]

Manufactured on Manufactured by Typically used in References
Andurien Andurien AeroTech F-90 Stingray [37]
Westover Andurien AeroTech F-77 Deathstalker [38]

Warner 240J[edit]

Manufactured on Manufactured by Typically used in References
Panpour Jalastar Aerospace Sparrowhawk [39]


† References unclear whether this factory produces or imports this equipment.


  1. Technical Readout: 3075, p. 188: "Hellcat Fighter Profile"
  2. Technical Readout: 3058 Upgrade, p. 126: "Strider 'Mech Profile"
  3. Technical Readout: 3039, p. 90: "Produced PPC Carrier Components"
  4. Objectives: Capellan Confederation, p. 16
  5. Technical Readout: 3058, p. 70: "Partisan Air Defense Tank"
  6. Technical Readout: 3039, p. 86: "Produced Demolisher Components"
  7. Technical Readout: 3026 Revised, p. 78: "Produced Schrek Components"
  8. Field Manual: 3145, p. 190: "Lothian League"
  9. Technical Readout: 3026, p. 74
  10. Objective Raids, p. 109: "Produced New Samarkand Metals Components"
  11. Technical Readout: 3039, p. 122, "Hermes II 'Mech Profile"
  12. Technical Readout: 3050 Upgrade, p. 50: "Hermes II 'Mech Profile"
  13. The BattleTech Compendium, p. 144: "Construction - Engines"
  14. Technical Readout: 3058 Upgrade p. 98: "Manticore Tank Profile"
  15. Objective Raids p. 152: p. "Components produced by Majesty Metals and Manufacturing on Dunianshire"
  16. Technical Readout: 3050 Upgrade p. 180: "Rhino Vehicle Profile"
  17. Technical Readout: 3075, p. 230: "Centurion Fighter Profile"
  18. Technical Readout: 3039 p. 106: "Spider 'Mech Profile"
  19. Technical Readout: 3050 Upgrade p. 20, "Spider 'Mech Profile"
  20. Technical Readout: 3039 p. 120: "Clint Profile"
  21. Technical Readout: 3050 Upgrade p. 38: "Clint Profile"
  22. Technical Readout: 3039 p. 124: "Vulcan 'Mech Profile"
  23. Technical Readout: 3050 Upgrade p. 42, p. "Vulcan 'Mech Profile"
  24. Technical Readout: 3039 p. 154: "Awesome 'Mech Profile"
  25. Technical Readout: 3039 p. 254: "Sentinel 'Mech Profile"
  26. Technical Readout: 3050, p. 194: "Sentiel 'Mech Profile"
  27. Technical Readout: 3039 p. 264: "Lancelot 'Mech Profile"
  28. Technical Readout: 3039 p. 293: "Rifleman 'Mech Profile"
  29. Technical Readout: 3055 Upgrade p. 140: "Tsunami 'Mech Profile"
  30. Technical Readout: 3058 Upgrade p. 142: "Merlin 'Mech Profile"
  31. Technical Readout: 3060 p. 104: "Helios 'Mech Profile"
  32. Technical Readout: 3060 p. 108: "Yeoman 'Mech Profile"
  33. Technical Readout: 3067 p. 92: "Legacy 'Mech Profile"
  34. Era Digest: Dark Age, pp. 43–44, 48: Praetorian Mobile Strategic Command HQ - Background, Stats, and Battle value
  35. IlClan Recognition Guide 21, p. 24
  36. Technical Readout: 3039, p. 236: "Sai Fighter Profile"
  37. Technical Readout: 3039, p. 206: "Stingray Fighter Profile"
  38. Technical Readout: 3075, p. 266: "Deathstalker Fighter Profile"
  39. Technical Readout: 3039, p. 196: "Sparrowhawk Fighter Profile"
