Find all references to year 2760 - One link per entry (See Years Policy)
- Pirate forces attack Star League Defense Forces on the world of Gibraltar.
- A nuclear weapon detonated on Demeter sparks a border war between the Capellan Confederation and Federated Suns.
- The Federated Suns reactivates the Thirty-third Avalon Hussars.
- March 19th: Raymond Sainze is born.
- Michael Steiner II dies.
- Robert Steiner II named Archon of the Lyran Commonwealth.
- Janina Centrella becomes Magestrix of the Magistracy of Canopus.
- Warex Liao dies.
- Tu Kurita is born.
- Terran Hegemony produces the Extended-Range Particle Projector Cannon.
- Kallon Weapons Industries fields the Hornet BattleMech.
- The Royal 1Gb variant of the BattleMaster BattleMech introduced.
- The MAD-2R variant of the Marauder BattleMech introduced.
- The PXH-1b Royal variant of the Phoenix Hawk BattleMech is introduced.
- Upgraded version of the Colossus-class DropShip introduced.