Find all references to year 2795 - One link per entry (See Years Policy)
- First Succession War enters its ninth year.
- Draconis Combine invasion of the Federated Suns reaches within one jump of New Avalon.
- Lyran Commonwealth Bolan Thumb Campaign continues.
- Thirty-third Marik Militia forced off of Loburg by the 18th Lyran Regulars.
- LCAF forces raid Kamenz
- LCAF forces raid Tylarzka
- November–December Regent Sandol Quinn orders CCAF to capture Chesterton worlds from distracted Federated Suns.
- Nashan Diversified corporation formed.
- Sitwell Corporation corporation formed.
- Fighting Urukhai mercenary unit founded.
- Langendorf Lancers mercenary unit founded.
- Strana Mechty is colonized.
- Chancellor Barbara Liao dies of a rare blood disorder.
- Sandol Quinn is named Chancellor-Regent for Barbara's twelve-year-old granddaughter Ilsa Liao
- The Inner Sphere loses ability to produce Myomer Accelerator Signal Circuitry.
- Narc Missile Beacon becomes LosTech in the Inner Sphere.
- Future elements of the so-called Pentagon Powers introduce the FLC-4Nb-PP2 variant of the Falcon.
- Star League-in-Exile initiates manufacture of the "Royal" HOP-4Bb Hoplite.