Revision as of 08:03, 22 May 2023 by CungrVanck (talk | contribs) (Added info from House Liao (The Capellan Confederation))
Find all references to year 2990 - One link per entry (See Years Policy)
- Fifteenth Lyran Guards fight against elements of Amphigean Light Assault Group on Sevren.
- Fourth Skye Rangers caught unawares by pirate raid of Deia.
- Freemont's Cuirassiers and Warrior House Regiments attempt to lure and ambush Federated Suns raiders.
- Maximilian Liao deposes his father Tormax Liao and is named Chancellor.
- Outworlds Alliance sets up colony on the world of Dormandaine.
- Circinus Federation begins to settle worlds surrounding Circinus.
- Cochraine's Goliaths is reactivated after a Star League supply depot is found on Tantara.
- Clifton's Rangers mercenary unit formed on Galatea.
- Protector Zarantha Calderon begins to support hefty tax breaks for the Far Lookers movement.
- March 10th: Thomas Marik is born on Marik.
- Salome Ward is born on New Exford.
- Steve Rogers is born.
- Constance Kurita is born.
- Kallon Industries rediscover blueprints and resume production of Hornet BattleMech.
- Olivetti Weaponry founded.