2nd Draconis Combine Auxiliary Corps

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2nd Draconis Combine Auxiliary Corps
Affiliation Star League
Parent Command SLDF Task Force Rim Worlds

As the Reunification War dragged on, the SLDF requested more troops from the member nations, including the Draconis Combine. The Second Draconis Auxiliary Brigade was created in 2584 and were used as part of Task Force MAILED FIST, the SLDF attack on the Rim Worlds Republic.


The Draconis Auxiliary forces were widely hated by the Rim Worlds Army and Rift Republican Army forces they faced because of the contempt that they showed any defeated foe. The Arkab Legion was the only DCMS unit to not receive the "kill on sight" order.[1]


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of the 2nd Draconis Combine Auxiliary Corps
Tai-sho Harry Fujimora [2]


Different per Unit.

Composition History[edit]

The Second Draconis Auxiliary Brigade consisted of the following units:[2]


  1. Historical: Reunification War, p. 36
  2. 2.0 2.1 Historical: Reunification War, p. 129
