Find all references to year 3023 - One link per entry (See Years Policy)
- Wolf's Dragoons launches heavy raid on Quentin IV, accompanied by Takashi Kurita and companies from the First & Seventh Sword of Light regiments.
- Epsilon Regiment and the Black Widow Company of Wolf's Dragoons raid Hoff, where they are opposed by elements of the Eridani Light Horse.
- The AFFS recaptures Tancredi IV from the Draconis Combine.
- The Free Worlds League attacks Hyde.
- Talitha raided by Romano Liao, who forces local artists to commemorate her slain lover.
- Draconis Combine firm Matabushi Incorporated creates its "Special Operations Trade Division".
- Snord's Irregulars assigned to Hyde.
- Wolf's Dragoons starts service to House Kurita.
- Kell Hounds steps in contract with the Federated Suns.
- Defiance Industries forms the Thumpers as a demonstration unit.
- Baker Pharmaceuticals loses 300 million Kroner lawsuit after batch of its synthetic antibodies turned toxic, killing over 100 Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces soldiers.
- Neo-Smallpox outbreak strikes half of Timbuktu's population.
- Hohiro Kurita is born.
- Corinne Marik is born.
- Khan Bjorn Jorgensson is born.
- Galaxy Commander Jin Mehta is born.
- Janice Annapoulis is born.
- Gretchen Noda is born.
- Talia Martens is born.
- Mercer Ravannion is killed in combat on Fallon II.
- Gretchen Noda is born.
- Su Xiaose is born.
- The BattleMech Full-Head Ejection System is developed by the Lyran Commonwealth.
- Angus Gilmour founds Gilmour MilTech.
- Defiance Industries of Hesperus II fields Hatchetman BattleMech.