Find all references to year 3032 - One link per entry (See Years Policy)
- March: Capellan Confederation launches counterattack against invading Duchy of Andurien and Magistracy of Canopus forces.
- Archibald McCarron establishes interstellar trading company MTC Incorporated to supply and upgrade McCarron's Armored Cavalry and their base on Menke.
- McCarron's Armored Cavalry are able to recover from losses suffered during the Fourth Succession War.
- Federated Suns economy finally recovers from turmoil caused by Fourth Succession War and ComStar Interdiction.
- Collegium Bellorum Imperium founded on the Marian Hegemony world of Alphard
- November 16th: Katherine Steiner-Davion is born.
- Cassandra Allard-Liao is born.
- Xavier Bannson is born.
- Clan Wolf introduce Artillery Cannon.
- Clan Ghost Bear develop Jengiz Aerospace Fighter.