Find all references to year 3033 - One link per entry (See Years Policy)
- Attempted secession of Capellan-held Rollis to Taurian Concordat stopped when eight members of the rebellious High Council of Rollis mysteriously disappear simultaneously.
- Theodore Kurita makes an alliance with the Yakuza, which leads to the formation of the so-called Ghost Regiments.
- May 1st: Kali Liao born.
- Aug 8th: Theodore Kurita's marriage to Tomoe Sakade made public.
- Photon Brett-Marik enlists in FWLM under the name Urien Domei.
- Padraig O Bhaoil joins Explorer Corps.
- Elise MacTaggart is born.
- Dawn Moffat is born.
- Devastator BattleMech prototyped.
- The Savannah Master Small Laser variant is introduced and quickly discontinued.
- Production of the CPLT-K2 variant of the Catapult BattleMech is restarted.