Find all references to year 3076 - One link per entry (See Years Policy)
- 11 July: A Stone's Lament recon squad led by Jared Travis disables the Space Defense System over Word of Blake-held Rochelle.
- 21 July: Forces from Clan Snow Raven and Clan Ghost Bear strike at the Word of Blake Protectorate world of Dyev in support of the allied coalition.
- 21 July: Forces from Clan Snow Raven and Clan Ghost Bear strike at the Word of Blake Protectorate world of Kervil in support of the allied coalition.
- 21 July: Forces from Clan Snow Raven and Clan Ghost Bear strike at the Word of Blake Protectorate world of Ko in support of the allied coalition.
- 21 July: Forces from Clan Snow Raven and Clan Ghost Bear strike at the Word of Blake Protectorate world of Lambrecht in support of the allied coalition.
- 21 July: Forces from Clan Snow Raven and Clan Ghost Bear strike at the Word of Blake Protectorate world of Moore in support of the allied coalition.
- 21 July: Forces from Clan Snow Raven and Clan Ghost Bear strike at the Word of Blake Protectorate world of Sabik in support of the allied coalition.
- 2 December: Federated Suns forces invade Caselton.
- 2 December: Federated Suns forces invade Mirach.
- 2 December: Federated Suns forces invade Schedar.
- December: A counterattack against Clan Ghost Bear by the Word of Blake occurs on Dyev.
- The Word of Blake raids Regulus.
- 14 December: The Director of the Blackstone Diplomatic Corps releases a report on manufacturing taking place on Arc-Royal.
- December: Wilson's Hussars are destroyed by Word of Blake forces on Schedar.
- December: The Word of Blake's 28th Militia Division is destroyed on Dyev.
- December: The Word of Blake's 32nd Militia Division is destroyed on Dyev.
- Galatea is liberated.
- The Word of Blake world of Gibson calls for a ceasefire that includes meeting on Regulus for the ceasefire meeting.
- A Word of Blake Task Force arrives April 2nd, which includes a Thera Class Carrier/WarShip.
- Precentor Apollyon arrives at Regulus City's spaceport and meets face-to-face with Prince Titus Cameron-Jones.
- Regulan troops attempt to assassinate Apollyon, but underestimate Manei Domini troops protecting the Precentor.
- Clan Snow Raven joins Clan Ghost Bear forces against the Word of Blake.
- Allies invade the Blake Protectorate.
- Free Rasalhague Republic troops mutiny against the Ghost Bear Dominion.
- Hell's Black Aces disband after the regiment is destroyed during fighting on Liao.
- February: Chandrasekhar Kurita is killed by Blakist operatives.
- 15 May: Khan Marthe Pryde of Clan Jade Falcon is killed in a mysterious accident.
- 19 November: Sienna Asuncion is killed in a terrorist bombing.
- Uvin Buhallin becomes SaKhan of Clan Jade Falcon.
- Samantha Clees becomes Khan of Clan Jade Falcon.
- The Word of Blake introduces the Tiamat-class Pocket Warship.
- The M1 Moltke Main Battle Tank is first deployed by the Duchy of Andurien.
- The experimental Banzai BattleMech is first produced by the Draconis Combine.
- The LM5/P Lumberjack MilitiaMech is introduced in the Lyran Commonwealth.
- The Interdictor variant of the Afreet is introduced.