Find all references to year 3081 - One link per entry (See Years Policy)
- February 13th: Poulsbo is subject to widespread nuclear bombardment by Principality of Regulus forces.
- April 2nd: Circinus is sterilized by Principality of Regulus forces via sustained thermonuclear bombardment.
- January 12th: Princess-Regent Yvonne Steiner-Davion cedes several border worlds to the nascent Republic of the Sphere.
- January 25th: Clan Diamond Shark begins a reorganization of the various outposts it controls.
- February 15th: Buena is recognized as the new capital world of the Alarion Province of the Lyran Alliance.
- March 7th-15th: The Republic of the Sphere formally comes into being as a nation. Inner Sphere worlds around Terra, except for Capellan holdings, join The Republic of the Sphere.
- March 25th: Silver Hawks Coalition invades and captures New Hope.
- April 2nd: The Word of Blake's Jihad ends.
- April 2nd: The Circinus Federation ceases to exist as a nation.
- April 3rd: Republic of the Sphere launches 1st Wave of Operation GOLDEN DAWN, to retake worlds captured by ex–Free Worlds League nation-states.
- April 19th: The TCS Vendetta is officially transferred to the Calderon Protectorate and manned by a multinational crew.
- April 25: Devlin Stone announces the creation of the Capellan Transitional Government.
- May: Wave 2 of Operation GOLDEN DAWN is launched.
- June: Wave 3 of Operation GOLDEN DAWN is launched.
- July: Duchy of Oriente signs peace treaty with Republic of the Sphere to end their invasion.
- September 7th: Stewart Commonality and Marik Commonwealth signs peace accords to end fighting with The Republic of the Sphere.
- Construction of the Sentinelry Academy begins on the Fronc Reaches world of Rockwellawan.
- January 15th: The engagement of Jessica Marik and Philip Hughes is announced publicly.
- March 7th-15th: Devlin Stone is named the first Exarch of the Republic of the Sphere.
- April 2nd: The Word of Blake leader known as The Master is killed.
- April 2nd: Calvin McIntyre is killed in the city of Zachariah on Circinus.
- May: Anastasius Focht dies at age 109.
- Dalia Bekker is born on Satalice.