81st Mechanized Infantry Division

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Star League Logo.png
Eighty-first Mechanized Infantry Division
Nickname Tau Ceti Rangers[1]
Affiliation Star League
Parent Command LVIII Corps

The Eighty-first Mechanized Infantry Division was a part of the Star League Defense Force Regular Army.[2]


The Eighty-first formed a part of LVIII Corps, Seventh Army, and in 2764 was stationed in District 3 of the Capellan Confederation Military Region. Following the New Vandenberg Uprising the Eighty-first was deployed into an undisclosed area of the Periphery in 2765.[2]

The Eighty-first took heavy losses during the Periphery Uprising and by 2766 the division had been disbanded. A complete sub-unit of the Eighty-first, the Fourth Tau Ceti Rangers regiment survived the Periphery campaign, and opted not to join General Aleksandr Kerensky on the Exodus but instead became mercenaries in the employ of the Capellan Confederation.[2]


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of the 81st Mechanized Infantry Division
Major General Tamika Ho 2764[1]


The Mechanized Infantry Divisions of the Star League were used offensively to exploit gaps in the enemy front created by the BattleMech Divisions. They also bore the brunt of defensive actions.

Composition History[edit]

As an SLDF mechanized infantry division, the Eighty-first would have been formed from one brigade of BattleMech regiments and two brigades of mechanized infantry.[3]

In 2761, the Division was gifted a battalion of Xanthos BattleMechs by the Capellan Confederation Armed Forces.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Field Manual: SLDF, p. 99
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 The Star League, p. 154
  3. The Star League, p. 133
