
(Draco Animalis Lopecis)
Creature information
Type Flying reptile
Homeworld Lopez
Environment Subtropical regions
Average mass ???
Average length ???
Average height 600 centimeters
Creature stats
System ???
STR ???
BOD ???
DEX ???
RFL ???
WIL ???
EDG ???
Traits ???
Skills ???
Size ???
Armor ???
Attack ???

The Branth[1] is a large, flying reptile native to the planet Lopez.


When humans first explored the world of Lopez, they were amazed by what they found. The branth were "living dragons" straight out of the tales and myths of old Terra. Right down to the large leathery wings, scaled hides, and sharp teeth. Though they lack the flaming breath, they do spit a poisonous substance to which most humans have an allergic reaction.

In addition, these amazing creatures can be tamed and trained to carry one or two riders into the air. Some are trained as show animals performing spectacular flights or acting as "dragons" in various holovid productions. Those that keep trained branths make sure to restrict contract to specially trained keepers. While they may be tame, their sheer size and strength make them quite dangerous. An angered branth can be deadly.

Many attempts have been made to export the branth to other worlds, but they cannot survive off world due to their high susceptibility to disease.

A conservationist group, the BranthKeepers, dedicates itself to the protection of the branths and their environment.


  1. Classic BattleTech Companion, p. 134, "Creatures"
