Clan Wolf-in-Exile Touman

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Unit Structure[edit]

In the years following the Refusal War and the sundering of Clan Wolf, Khan Phelan Kell had a much harder time rebuilding the touman of the newly-formed Clan Wolf-in-Exile. By late 3059 though, some stability had taken place and a sense of order restored as reorganizations were completed. Like the Wolves, the Wolves-in Exile make use of the same mixed Trinary and Cluster formations, along with greater usage of the command Star, though the use of Supernova Trinaries remains rare and reserved for special purposes. Galaxy composition is also the same, with four Clusters for front-line Galaxies and three for second-line ones.[1]

Touman structure[edit]

The touman in 3079[2][3][4]

Former Galaxies[edit]

During the Dark Ages, the Exiled Wolves spent most of their time defending the Lyran Commonwealth from Clan Jade Falcon, but that would change after losing Arc-Royal to the Falcons. They would receive an offer from an envoy in the form of Anastasia Kerensky (who also had exiled Wolf origins) to join their Crusader brethren, along with Wolf's Dragoons, for one final battle against their traditional nemesis. Following Clan Wolf's victory on Terra in 3151, any remaining exile equipment and personnel were integrated back into Clan Wolf, thus reunifying Clan Wolf as a whole.

Alpha Galaxy (The Dire Wolves)[edit]

Alpha Galaxy
Alpha Galaxy (Clan Wolf-in-Exile).jpg 3061
Clan Command Trinary
4th Wolf Guards Assault Cluster
1st Wolf Legion Cluster
1st Wolf Strike Grenadiers
6th Wolf Guards Cluster
Golden Keshik
4th Wolf Guards Cluster
1st Wolf Legion Cluster
1st Wolf Strike Grenadiers
6th Wolf Guards Cluster
Golden Keshik
1st Wolf Legion Cluster
1st Wolf Strike Grenadiers

Beta Galaxy (The Wolf Marauders)[edit]

Beta Galaxy
Betagalaxy(clanwolfinexil).jpg 3059
13th Wolf Guards Cluster
2nd Wolf Legion
16th Wolf Guards Battle
2nd Wolf Strike Grenadiers
Wolf Spider Keshik
Added in 3060s.[3]
13th Wolf Guards Cluster (The Wolf Spiders)
2nd Wolf Legion (The Blood Kits)
16th Wolf Guards Battle Cluster (The Golden Marauders)
2nd Wolf Strike Grenadiers (The Maulers)
Wolf Spider Keshik
13th Wolf Guards Cluster
2nd Wolf Legion Cluster

Omega Galaxy (Guardians of the Lair)[edit]

Omega Galaxy
Omega Galaxy 3054
5th Wolf Chasseurs
11th Wolf Chasseurs
15th Wolf Chasseurs
95th Phalanx
101st Phalanx
The Bronze Keshik
1st Wolf Guardians Cluster
2nd Wolf Guardians Cluster
3rd Wolf Guardians Cluster
Bronze Keshik
1st Wolf Guardians Cluster
2nd Wolf Guardians Cluster
3rd Wolf Guardians Cluster
4th Wolf Guardians Cluster
Bronze Keshik
1st Wolf Guardians Cluster
3rd Wolf Guardians Cluster

Naval Assets[edit]

No WarShips were in any condition to see the outcome of the ilClan Trial and reunification with the Crusader Wolf Clan in 3151, with the Full Moon (Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser) in disrepair and sold or dismantled for parts sometime between 3085 and 3145 due to a lack of shipyards available to the Wolf Exiles.[5]

Uniforms and Rank Insignia[edit]

Field and Dress Uniform

Keeping true to their heritage of the original Clan Wolf, despite their abjuration, the Exiled Wolves maintain the same uniform patterns as their estranged brethren.

Ceremonial Uniform

The ceremonial uniform consist of leather and with an enameled wolf mask. The uniform is colored in black, white, or gray. Brown, red, gold, or silver is used for warriors with elite status as an accent or to replace the standard colors of the ceremonial uniform.

Wolf fur is no longer used as a part of the dress and ceremonial uniform since they no longer have access to the Strana Mechty Wolf.[6]

Military Rank Insignia
Uniform Rank Insignia Point Rank Point Insignia
Point Commander Wolf-PointCommander.png Point 1 Wolf-Point1.png
Star Commander Wolf-StarCommander.png Point 2 Wolf-Point2.png
Star Captain Wolf-StarCaptain.png Point 3 Wolf-Point3.png
Star Colonel Wolf-StarColonel.png Point 4 Wolf-Point4.png
Galaxy Commander Wolf-GalaxyCommander.png Point 5 Wolf-Point5.png
Khan Wolf-Khan.png


  1. Field Manual: Warden Clans, p. 155
  2. Field Manual: Warden Clans, pp. 159–161
  3. 3.0 3.1 Field Manual: Updates, pp. 68–69, 80
  4. Field Report: Clans, p. 22
  5. This fate for the Full Moon was explicitly established in an official ruling on the BattleTech Forum, also archived on this article's talk page.
  6. Field Manual: Warden Clans, p. 156: Clan Wolf-in-Exile Uniforms
