Commanding General of the Star League Defense Force

Inner Sphere Military Ranks
Field Officer
General Officer
For specific ranks see Military Ranks

The Commanding General or Commanding Admiral, depending on their branch of service, was the commander-in-chief of the original Star League Defense Force and afterwards the Second Star League Defense Force.


The commanding officer of the first SLDF was appointed by First Lord, with the approval of the Star League Council.[1]

In the second SLDF, the commanding officer was also appointed by the First Lord, with the Council of Lords only able to override an appointment by two-thirds majority.[2] The commanding officer had the authority to deploy up to ten regiments of troops, with larger deployments requiring the authorization of the Council.[3]

The Commanding General of both SLDFs wore four three-dimensional stars on their collar as rank insignia, while a Commanding Admiral wore four cuff stripes.[1]

SLDF Rank insignia
Rank Insignia
Commanding General SLDF-CommandingGeneral.png

List of Commanding Generals

Name Reign
First SLDF (2571–2765)
General Shandra Noruff-Cameron 25712575[4]
General Dangmar Lee 2575 – 2597[4]
General Nicholas Kinnol 25982646[4]
General Killian Squarn-Turk 2646 – 2680[4]
Admiral David Peterson 2680 – 2707[4]
General Ikolor Fredasa 2707 – 2729[4]
General Rebecca Fetladral 2729 – 2738[4]
General Aleksandr Kerensky 2738 – 2801[4]
Second SLDF (3058–3067)
Precentor Martial Anastasius Focht 30583061
Precentor Martial Victor Steiner-Davion 3061 – 3062
Hohiro Kurita 3062 – 3067


  1. 1.0 1.1 The Star League, p. 112: "Ranks"
  2. Field Manual: ComStar, p. 79
  3. Field Manual: ComStar, p. 76
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 1, p. 33: "The Commanding Generals"
