Draconis Reach
The Draconis Reach was a disputed territory situated between the Draconis Combine and the Federated Suns' Draconis March that existed between the late 3080s and 3139. It should not be confused with the Draconis Rift, nor with the Draconian Drift periphery region.
Comprising ten to fifteen star systems at any given time, the region came into existence in the late 3080s when House Sandoval dispatched mercenaries and some House troops into a belt of worlds stretching from Marlowe's Rift to Cassias. Over the next five decades both the Federated Suns and Draconis Combine would feed troops into this disputed territory, with neither able or willing to commit enough forces to end the stalemate for good.[1]
This half-century of endless low-level warfare was finally resolved in the Combine's favor in 3139. In an unexpected move Matsuhari Toranaga, Gunji-no-Kanrei of the Combine military, hired Wolf's Dragoons and unleashed them upon the Reach in March. The ensuing Draconis Reach Campaign was a total success for the Combine; beginning with the Battle of Marlowe's Rift the Dragoons took planet after planet.[2] Soon the Ryuken and Dragoons were competing to see who could conquer worlds faster, and a Federated Suns attempt to halt their advance at the Battle of Misery failed.[3] By the end of 3139, every world of the Draconis Reach had been conquered, and the Dragoons and Ryuken even launched a devastating raid against the Federated Suns' world Glenmora with the resulting battle signaling the end of the campaign.[4] [5]
While Duke Corwin Sandoval mounted a counteroffensive two years later that overran the former Reach worlds and pushed deeper into the Combine, his assault was soon blunted by the efforts of the Dragoons, the Ryuken and other DCMS units. With the Nova Cat Rebellion crushed by January 3143, the DCMS was free to turn its full attention to its other war, and by the end of that year House Sandoval finally abandoned the Reach worlds to the Combine.[6]