Eddie Baker

Eddie Baker
Eddie Baker
AffiliationKell Hounds

Eddie Baker was a MechWarrior in the Kell Hounds mercenary unit.[1]


Eddie Baker was born on Hesperus II to parents who passed away in the fighting there in 2997. He was adopted by two technicians of the Fifteenth Lyran Guards soon after. His adoptive parents' supervisor reported this to the Guards' commanding officer as it was in violation of a previous admonition preventing the adoption of orphans. The unit's commander chose not to punish them and arranged for them to become his legal parents. Due to his upbringing with technician parents, he gained large amounts of knowledge on BattleMechs and their inner workings. Managing to sneak his way into training simulators, learning how to pilot a BattleMech. His parents offered to put him through a normal education but Baker declined, hiring himself out to the Kell Hounds. Baker was a technician in the mercenary outfit for eleven years before being offered a vacant position Daniel Allard's scout lance. He proved to be a skilled MechWarrior, being offered the full-time position by Patrick Kell.[1]


Eddie Baker piloted a Jenner but was known to pilot a Panther as well.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 The Kell Hounds, p. 26
