Fiona Kurita

Fiona Kurita
AffiliationHouse Kurita
SpouseHohiro Kurita
ChildrenShinjiro Kurita
Vincent Kurita

Fiona Kurita was daughter of a prominent Luthien business family and the wife of Coordinator Hohiro Kurita.[1]


Lady Fiona Kurita was born into a prominent business family from Luthien. The eldest daughter of the family, Fiona met her future husband Hohiro Kurita at a performance of the opera La Tromba di Guerra by Guratze, performed at the Imperial Opera on Luthien. Fiona and Hohiro were married in a private ceremony in 3057 and Fiona went on to become good friends with Hohiro's sister, Omi; the two evidently helped support each other throughout the war with Clan Smoke Jaguar.[2]

Hohiro presented his family to a selection of cultural and political figures on New Samarkand on 25 May 3079 as well as to the wider media. Comments were made on the many similarities with the way in which Hohiro's father Theodore had presented his own wife and family to the then-Coordinator, Takashi Kurita. At the time, Hohiro and Fiona had two sons, Shinjiro and Vincent Kurita. Fiona's relationship to the Coordinator was kept secret until the ceremony, along with the existence of their two children, due to what was claimed to be security concerns and family tradition. When Hohiro publicly revealed his marriage and the existence of his children, Shinjiro was twenty-two years old and Vincent was seventeen years old, indicating that Shinjiro was most likely born the year of their marriage.[1][2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 60: "The Jihad In Review"
  2. 2.0 2.1 Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 35: "Heirs To The Dragon"
