Information:Product Type Classification Tree
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The following represents a classification system for official BattleTech products used within the BattleTech Wiki. Terms in bold denotes a product type. Product types are used in the infoboxes for product articles and other contexts. The definition for each product type is given in brackets. Usual category tags affiliated with the product type are specified in italics.
- Products Concerning (Tabletop/Board Game) Gameplay
- Core Game Set [a bundled product that consists of a rulebook and other foundational game components (e.g., maps, tokens, miniatures, record sheets) used to play a specified game or game expansion] Usual Category Tags: Core Game Sets. (Note: Category tags for notable components such as Rulebooks, Miniature Sets may also be included.)
- Board Game [a stand-alone boardgame, generally reserved for a game set whose design limits its ability to integrate with other game products] Usual Category Tags: Core Game Sets
- Rulebook [a product consisting of a rulebook] Usual Category Tags: Rulebooks
- Miniature Set [a product that primarily consists of one or more miniatures. Supplemental materials may be included, but the principal content is the miniatures themselves.] Usual Category Tags: Miniature Sets
- Map Set [a product that consists of one or more full maps or mapsheets.] Usual Category Tags: Map Products
- Map Supplement [a product that consists of components used to modify maps, e.g. HexPacks] Usual Category Tags: Map Products
- Record Sheets (includes Alpha Strike Cards) [a product consisting of record sheets or other products intended for in-game tracking and recordkeeping of units] Usual Category Tags: Record Sheets
- Technical Readout and Recognition Guide [a product that describes the technical details of a range of units (e.g., vehicles, BattleMechs, etc.) and equipment in the BattleTech universe. Technical readouts and recognition guides are similar in purpose, but the in-universe perspective of the latter comes from that of the Clans.] Usual Category Tags: Technical Readouts and Recognition Guides
- Sourcebook [a product that provides detailed historical, cultural, and organizational context regarding certain regions and/or eras of the BattleTech Universe in order to directly support independent scenario or campaign creation for BattleTech, Alpha Strike, or other related games] Usual Category Tags: Sourcebooks
- Scenario Pack [a product whose primary purpose is to provide scenarios/campaigns for gameplay, whether fully preconstructed or subject to some portions of randomization, though usually with some degree of in-universe context.] Usual Category Tags: Scenario Packs
- Dice Set [Dice of any sort, e.g., regular dice, dice trackers (e.g., movement dice), tactical dice, or other dice products] Usual Category Tags: Game Aids. Note: Product articles concerning regular dice that are cosmetically customized may be additionally tagged with the category Accessories.
- Other Game Aids
- Reference Tables (Kits)
- Others?
- Core Game Set [a bundled product that consists of a rulebook and other foundational game components (e.g., maps, tokens, miniatures, record sheets) used to play a specified game or game expansion] Usual Category Tags: Core Game Sets. (Note: Category tags for notable components such as Rulebooks, Miniature Sets may also be included.)
- Products Concerning Other Game Systems
- BattleTech Trading Card Game (The treatment of this game system and its products is handled in the article BattleTech Trading Card Game.)
- MechWarrior: Dark Age Collectable Miniatures Game (The treatment of this game system and its products is handled in the article MechWarrior: Dark Age Collectable Miniatures Game.)
- Video Game [A product that is a video game, which includes console games, personal computer games, arcade games, and mobile phone games. This also includes any video game expansions or DLCs. Also any special computer hardware would be included here.]
- Video Game Supplement [This includes video game strategy guides or other supplements that are not directly part of the video game system's software or hardware.]
- Literature/Media
- Novel [Narrative fiction generally having more than 40,000 words.] Usual Category Tags: Novels
- Short Fiction [Narrative fiction generally having less than 40,000 words.] Usual Category Tags: Short Stories
- Novella [Narrative fiction generally having 17,500 to 40,000 words. A subtype of short fiction, but categorized with short stories for simplicity.]
- Novelette [Narrative fiction generally having 7,500 to 17,500 words. A subtype of short fiction, but categorized with short stories for simplicity.]
- Short Story [Narrative fiction generally having less that 7,500 words. A subtype of short fiction.]
- Comic [Short Fiction with a comic book format. A subtype of short fiction and subcategorized under short stories.] Usual Category Tags: Comics
- Anthology [An official compilation of literature and/or art. This can be released/published either in a serialized or unserialized manner.] Usual Category Tags: Anthologies
- TV series
- Accessories [Official merchandise, accessories, apparel and other paraphernalia pertaining to the BattleTech universe but not relevant to gameplay nor part of standard literature/media] Usual Category Tags: Accessories
- Challenge Coin Set
- Patch Set
- Poster Set
- Pin Set
- Puzzle Set
- Calendar
- Clothing
- Dogtag
- Keychain
- Storage Folder
Note: A product article would normally include the usual category tag(s) affiliated to its product type plus further category tags relevant to that specific product.