Javelin LRM

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Javelin LRM


This weapon was featured in an official BattleTech product, namely the MechAssault series of computer games.[1][2][3]

By virtue of being an official albeit not positively canonical product, the game expansion and the weapons and equipment presented therein including this one must be considered apocryphal.


The Javelin LRM is a unique type of LRM which was only featured in the MechAssault, series. Javelins are the standard long-range missile used by most of the BattleMechs in this series. BattleMechs can have a max of up to 4 Javelins with a numeric trade value of about 1 Javelin per LRM-10 in the standard Battletech universe. For example, BattleMechs that would normally carry 2 LRM-20's (such as the Mad Cat), would carry 4 Javelins instead. This numeric trade is fairly standard for most BattleMechs in this series, but the damage values may not be equivalent.

The tracking capabilities of the Javelin LRMs are much greater than the standard LRMs of the BattleTech universe, with nominal close range tracking and damage. Javelin LRMs are a direct fire weapon, with only a small gain in altitude before accelerating towards their intended target. At long range, Javelin LRMs will almost always hit their target as long as line of sight is maintained. One of the few exceptions to this is when the target is falling from high altitude or dropping after using jump jets.

Javelin LRMs do more damage than Crossbow SRMs (the standard SRM of the MechAssault series), but are much slower to reload and accelerate.


  1. MechAssault user manual, p. 7, "Missile Weapons"
  2. MechAssault 2:Lone Wolf user manual, p. 22, "Missile Weapons"
  3. MechAssault: Phantom War user manual, p. 26, "Missile Weapons"
