Leonard McCarthy

Leonard McCarthy
Also known asMace,
AffiliationWaco Rangers
ParentsJosiah McCarthy (father)

Major Leonard "Mace" McCarthy was a member of the Waco Rangers from at least 3025 to 3067.[1][2]


The son of the Waco Rangers' DropShip commander, Commodore Josiah McCarthy, Leonard was born on the Rangers' DropShip Burden of Fate less than a month after the unit's formation in 3007.[3] He had blue eyes and was a believer in the Waco Rangers' Death Oath, hating the Wolf's Dragoons and not trusting them at all.[4]

Early Career

Refusing his father's offer of a DropShip officer's commission, McCarthy choose MechWarrior training, earning his spot when the time came to graduate sometime before 3025 in the Rangers Tagedes' Medium Lance, Kelly's Headquarters Company of the Second Battalion (Kelly's Support Battalion).[1] This decision to follow his own path earned the respect of his fellow Rangers, including Colonel Wayne Waco.[3]


By 3058, McCarthy had been promoted to captain and a senior role in Melissa Marshall's battalion as the commander of the Maulers Company.[4] In this role, he was a part of the Waco Rangers' contribution to the Coventry Expeditionary Force which fought against Clan Jade Falcon during the Battle of Coventry. On 10 April 3058, he participated in the Waco Rangers' fighting against the Third Falcon Talon Cluster after they landed on Coventry, near the town of Lietnerton.[2]

He also led his company during the Waco Rangers' attempt to flank the Jade Falcon forces via the Dales Highlands on Coventry on 21 April 3058, which blundered into a Jade Falcon ambush. During it, he ordered repeatedly to his subordinate Lieutenant Manny Totske to hold, despite his protests. The Rangers, including McCarthy's company, suffered heavy casualties in this battle including McCarthy himself being captured by the Falcons.

McCarthy was later released when the Falcons accepted Victor Steiner-Davion's offer of hegira, and was promoted to major by Colonel Wayne Rogers. In the aftermath of this battle and his release from captivity, McCarthy was knocked out by Manny Totske, who he had attempted to reduce in rank for disobeying his direct order to hold after Totske retreated from the Rangers’ defeat in the Dales. This incident resulted in Totske leaving the Waco Rangers.[4]

First Battle of Harlech

By 3067, Leonard McCarthy was the Waco Rangers' Executive Officer and Wayne Waco's most trusted confidant. He helped Waco plan the First Battle of Harlech on 11 October 3067, an unexpected attack upon Wolf's Dragoons' home planet of Outreach. Waco killed his Blakist agent Leopold Jenkins in his office and ordered McCarthy to get rid of his body. McCarthy pointed out that the Rangers could not win, but Waco denied it; for him, the victory was to hurt the Dragoons all that they could. McCarthy later participated in the battle, Waco's last effort to fulfil his Death Oath, which resulted in the destruction of the Waco Rangers, so McCarthy must have been killed along with all his unit.[5]


Leonard McCarthy initially piloted a Hatchetman BattleMech around 3025.[1] By 3058, he was piloting an ON1-M Orion.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Mercenary's Handbook, p. 88
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 The Battle of Coventry, p. 33
  3. 3.0 3.1 Mercenary's Handbook, p. 87
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Tales from the Cracked Canopy: Blind Arrogance
  5. An Ice-Cold Dish
