MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries/Intro Cinematic

< MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries
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Opening Cinematic[edit]

DropShip Command: Team Venom. This is DropShip Command. ETA onplanet is forty seconds. I’m going to be a sitting duck down there, so you damn well better be at the dustoff site when I get there. You get the stuff?

(A Commando races through a wasteland.)

Commando: Roger DropShip Command, I got the recon data and one pissed off Atlas on my tail!

Holly Harris' Zeus moves up to engage the Draconis Combine forces pursuing the Commando.

Holly Harris: Get that data back to the DropShip now! I’ll take this Draconis scumbag! Damn! Eat this!

(The Commando runs aboard the grounded DropShip's boarding ramp.)

Commando: Thanks, Commander! DC Catapult on the rise!

(A Combine Catapult jets into view, firing missiles.)

DropShip Command: DropShip Command, here. My weapons systems are down. I’m getting the hell out of here!

Holly Harris: Negative! I need more time!

(Incoming fire shears off one of the Zeus arms.)

DropShip Command: You’re out of time! I’m not getting paid enough to die! Secure for orbital burn.

(The DropShip takes off, leaving the crippled Zeus behind.)

Holly Harris: There’s still room in hell for your sorry carcass.

DropShip Command: Look at the bright side, kid. You get to keep all the money.


  • Planet: Outreach
  • May 10, 3044

(The Team Venom DropShip comes in for a landing on Outreach.)

DropShip Command: Watch your speed. External heat is nominal at five of seven. Roger. 250 meters to target. All clear, Venom One. Setting down. Welcome home.

Mercenary Review and Bonding Commission: Please register at a ComStar terminal.


Downloading ComStar HPG Priority Message

Sender: H. Harris – Automated Last Will and Testament ™

If you’re reading this, by now you know that I’m dead. The good news is that you can keep your ‘Mech and any money we have in the bank. You’re going to have to run this show for yourself now.

The computer in my office will show you what contracts are available, and what pilots are up for hire. That’s how I found you, not so very long ago.

Let other people worry about patriotism: you just keep your mind on the money, and don’t get yourself killed on some stinking rock. No load of C-bills is going to bring you back from the grave. Or me, for that matter. Oh well… I never could say no to a mission.

Good luck.

Your former Commander,

Colonel Holly Harris