MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries/Snake City
Snake City[edit]
MechWarrior’s Campaign Journal[edit]
October 15, 3044[edit]
I think the Combine has underestimated the Mutineers. Sho-sho Aram, leader of the DC occupational forces, keeps acting like the rebels are just an annoyance, but they’ve taken Washkatin and successfully defended it against our attacks. I keep hearing that the Free Mutineers are revolting on other planets, too, keeping the DC busy. We still hold the south road, the only major route into Washkatin, but maybe not for long.
October 22, 3044[edit]
I just received my orders. Horkiro’s downtown office has been under siege for hours, but he and his bodyguards have finally managed to elude the attackers and make their escape. We have heard that the Mutineers have made the governor’s death a priority. He tops their “wanted” list, along with several police officials and hundreds of “Draconis sympathizers.” This “rebellion” is a witch hunt.
Draconis Combine – Mercenary Briefing[edit]
Kobo Fukuzawa, DC Mercenary Liaison Officer: Our intelligence reports show that the revolutionaries have chosen today to take action.
Fukuzawa: Mosami Horkiro, Galedon V’s planetary governor, will be evacuating Washkatin on orders of the High Command. You must assist his departure. There are several friendly Draconis units in the area, some damaged and under heavy fire. Your first priority is to see that the governor is safely escorted out of the city. However, any assistance you can offer to the Draconis forces will be remembered in your bonus.
- Codename: Snake City
- Planet: Galedon V
- Terrain: Urban
- Time: Night
- Mean Temperature: 12 Celsius
- Mission Pay: 250,000 plus bounty and bonus
- Expected Resistance: None
- Your Call-Sign: Dragon-1
Fukuzawa: Find the governor’s armored car near NAV ALPHA and escort him out of the city to NAV BETA.
- Target: Escort the governor to NAV BETA
- Bonus: Assist Draconis Forces
- Bounty: Eliminate all enemy resistance
During Mission[edit]
Draconis Forces: This is second armored platoon here, we’re under heavy fire. Require immediate support. Over.
Kobo Fukuzawa, DC Mercenary Liaison Officer: The rebels have taken Washkatin, but Governor Horkiro and his staff escaped unharmed. We offer our gratitude for your bravery.
Fukuzawa: Despite your small part in the battle, your actions have earned you great respect with our troops, who are usually not friendly towards mercenaries. You have also earned the undying loyalty of Governor Horkiro, who has sworn that if he must hire mercenaries in the future, he will call on [Mercenary Unit Name].
Galedon V Channel 17 News Transmission – October 22, 3044[edit]
Despite several hours of fighting, Draconis Combine troops have failed to maintain their foothold in Washkatin. Rebel troops continue to fill the city’s streets, and the citizens of Washkatin are celebrating their freedom. We at Channel 17 have been ordered repeatedly by the Draconis High Command to cease our reports, but Galedon V has the right to witness this long-awaited victory against the oppressors.
Dampening the Mutineers’ success was the escape of Mosami Horkiro, the Draconis Combine Planetary Governor. An unidentified mercenary unit covered the governor’s escape, destroying rebel tanks and ‘Mechs. The rebel leaders had sworn revenge against Horkiro for his “rape of the planet,” and intended to try and publicly execute him for his crimes against the people of Galedon V. Revenge, however, will not be ours. This mercenary unit is believed to be the same one which has been harassing the Mutineers since its first attack on Novastar last month. “Our vengeance will not be complete,” said one rebel soldier, “until their merc blood soaks the soil of Galedon V.” Any information on the mercenaries’ location is being requested.