Proper Work

Proper Work
Story information
Author Jason M. Hardy
Pages 4
Type Short story
Product Total Warfare
Era Clan Invasion era
Timeline 13-23 September 3060

The short story Proper Work was published in Total Warfare.

Plot summary[edit]

On Brighton, Shia-ben-bing Lawson goes through on-the-job training guarding a checkpoint on a civilian road. Navigating through confusing, apparently contradictory guidance, Lawson eventually gets to lead his own questioning of one of the drivers passing through: Roderick Hirt. Hirt breaks down under the questioning, apparent contradictions found between his statements and official data, and appears to try to drive away only to be shot dead by Lawson.

All along, Lawson was a Maskirovka agent sent to assassinate Hirt, who was a vice president of a brokerage financing St. Ives Compact loyalists. Data had been altered to create contradictions to enable the murder, and Hirt's car had been sabotaged to appear to flee to justify shooting.

Featured characters[edit]

  • Siu
  • Lawson
  • Lin
  • Roderick Hirt
  • Waterman (mentioned)
  • Clask (mentioned)

Featured BattleTech[edit]



Featured places[edit]