Samuel Nelson

Samuel Nelson
AffiliationDraconis Combine

Samuel Nelson was the commanding officer of the Third Benjamin Regulars as of 3039.[1]


Tai-sa Nelson, commanding a task force comprised of the Third Benjamin Regulars and Second Galedon Regulars, landed on Klathandu IV on 4 August 3039 in order to liberate the planet from the Federated Suns' Seventh Crucis Lancers and Second New Ivaarsen Chasseurs. Nelson's forces quickly captured the city of Pere Urucin for use as their primary base before methodically launching overwhelming attacks at a series of secondary targets. During the conquest of the city of Therisk on 21 August, Nelson's troops were hit in the flanks by a mixed FedSuns quick reaction force and were driven off from the city, ultimately costing the Regulars the initiative for the rest of the battle.For the next month-and-a-half, Nelson's soldiers demonstrated a willingness to fight in any environment regardless of the collateral damage done to Klathandu's people, although their inability to rest and refit began driving them to make increasingly reckless decisions. When the FedSuns occupiers shifted to defensive tactics, the Regulars' suicidal charges began to rapidly deplete both their own ranks and their equipment stockpiles.[1]

By the beginning of October, Nelson held command over nine battalions out of the eight regiments he had brought to Klathandu and a renewed offensive from the Federated Suns' forces had trapped those remnants in Pere Urucin. After preparing for his last stand, Nelson waged a fierce three-day defense until the tide finally turned on 14 October. The FedSuns commander received orders from off-world to withdraw due to Combine victories in other systems and, by 29 October, Nelson held control of Klathandu IV at the cost of three quarters of the men under his command.[1]

By 3050, Nelson continued to command the Third Regulars and was stationed on Irurzun.[2] Following the Clan Invasion, Nelson retained command of the Third Regulars and was stationed on Paracale by 3054.[3]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Historical: War of 3039, pp. 90–91: "Wave Two and Counterattack - Klathandu IV"
  2. 20 Year Update, p. 42: "DCMS Deployment Table - 3050"
  3. Objective Raids, p. 27: "DCMS Deployment Table - 3054"
