
Production information
Manufacturer Norse-Storm BattleMechs Inc.[1]
Production Year 2640
Model SPR-5F[1]
Class Light
Cost 6,136,718 C-bills
Technical specifications
'Mech type Inner Sphere BattleMech
Mass 35 tons
Chassis Norse XT-Light Type AE (Endo)
Armor Starshield Light
Engine Magna 245 XL
Communications System AR-12 Sheathed Directional Beacon with Norse Guardian ECM Suite
Targeting Tracking System DLK Type Phased Array Sensor System
Heat Sinks 11 double
Speed 118 km/h
Jump Jets HildCo Model 11c
BV (1.0) 1,141[2][3]
BV (2.0) 1,183[1][4]


The Spector was originally designed by Norse Technologies to be a lighter version of the Exterminator BattleMech, made to hunt down light command 'Mechs. The first Spector rolled off the assembly line on June 6th, 2639[5], and following extensive testing the SLDF ordered 600 units, the first run of which were delivered in April of 2640. The Star League's enthusiasm for the Spector is due to the BattleMechs stealth capabilities, combining both Chameleon Light Polarization Shield and a Null-Signature system. All Spectors, and all reports on them, were believed lost with the fall of the Star League until 3048, when rumors spread that the mercenary units McCarron's Armored Cavalry and Storm's Metal Thunder were fielding Spectors, presumably recovered from an ancient cache, although neither admitted to fielding vintage Star League era 'Mechs.[2][5]

In 3076, the mercenary group Chaos Irregulars (Mercenary Command) fielded a lone and original Spector.[6]

The Spector was originally designed to use the advanced Null-Signature system, able to hide the 'Mech's radar and heat signatures, and Chameleon Light Polarization Shield, capable of obscuring the BattleMech's appearance. However, these technologies were lost during the Succession Wars and have not yet been replicated. The current incarnation of the Spector, SPR-5F, does not carry a Null Signature System nor the Chameleon LPS because of this.[2][5]

Weapons and Equipment

Even without its advanced stealth capabilities, the Spector that Norse-Storm BattleMechs reintroduced in 3053 is an impressive light 'Mech. The Spector is built on a weight saving Norse XT-Light Type AE endo steel chassis, powered by a Magna 245 XL engine that gives it a top speed of 118.8 km/h, while seven HildCo Model 11c jump jets give it a jump ranged of 210 meters. Protection from enemy fire is provided by seven and a half tons of Starshield Light standard armor, while a Guardian ECM suite allows it to defend itself against advanced enemy targeting and range finding equipment.[2][5]

The Spector carries a Nightwind large laser as its primary weapon, backed up by a pair of Defiance B3M medium lasers and a single Defiance B4S small laser for close combat. While most consider this a light weapons payload for a 35 ton 'Mech, the Spector's superior mobility and mission profile do not require a very heavy weapons payload.[2][5]


  • SPR-6F
    Eschewing subterfuge and stealth, the 6F is a headhunter meant to counter Clan warriors with advanced engineering. With reflective armor mounted over an endo-steel chassis, the 6F remains highly mobile while also being well protected from advanced laser technology. Speaking of lasers, the weapon complement of the 6F is composed exclusively of laser weapons, all linked to a targeting computer. The 'Mech's primary weapon is a Medium VSP Laser mounted in the right arm, while a pair of clan-specced Improved Heavy Medium Lasers are in a gauntlet on the left arm. A standard ER Small Laser rounds up the complement on top of the pilot's cockpit. BV (2.0) = 1,476[12]

Design Quirks

The Spector has the following Design Quirks:[13]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Technical Readout: Succession Wars, pp. 46–47: "SPR-5F Spector"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Technical Readout: 3058 Upgrade, pp. 206-207, "Spector Profile"
  3. Record Sheets: 3058 Upgrades, p. 168
  4. Record Sheets: 3058 Unabridged (Clan & Star League), p. 227
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Technical Readout: 3058, p. 102, "Spector"
  6. Chaos Formed Endgame at Engadine
  7. Master Unit List
  8. Record Sheets: 3058 Upgrades, p. 169
  9. Record Sheets: 3058 Unabridged (Clan & Star League), p. 229
  10. Record Sheets: 3058 Upgrades, p. 170
  11. Record Sheets: 3058 Unabridged (Clan & Star League), p. 230
  12. Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 28, p.13
  13. BattleMech Manual, p. 94 BattleMech Quirk Table - Spector Entry.
