Talk:Prince's Champion

Revision as of 10:46, 25 May 2022 by Talvin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Titles and Positions Sections== I went through this list to deal with the Titles and Positions templates on the pages, and I am leaving Ardan Sortek, Simon Gallagher...")
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Titles and Positions Sections[edit]

I went through this list to deal with the Titles and Positions templates on the pages, and I am leaving Ardan Sortek, Simon Gallagher, and Jackson Davion alone. An in-universe conflict exists about the legality of Gallagher's succession to the post, which is noted in Davion's page as well. I am leaving this to those who spend more time on FedCom Civil War stuff to figure out how to document.--Talvin (talk) 11:46, 25 May 2022 (EDT)