Tall Trees Union

Tall Tree Union - founded in 3136, the union was creation of Paladin Thaddeus Marik.


The Union was part of then Paladin Thaddeus Marik's secret plan to begin to seed re-creation of Free Worlds League, by creating pockets neighorhoods. He presented this version of his plan to Exarch Jonah Levin as part of means to soft the return of the Republic once the walls of Fortress Republic have gone up.

The Union was organized by Marik and his agents. To strength the formation of the Union, Thaddeus hired the mercenary unit The Wolf Hunters to raid New Canton in October of 3136. Using this as means to convince the government of New Canton to join the Union. Plan called for Thaddeus Marik to lead coalition force consisting of Tall Trees Union's militia forces to come to New Canton's aide.

However, the plan was disrupted by the arrival of the Steel Wolves seeking revenge on the Wolf Hunter's commander, Anastasia Kerensky. Since the Hunter's raid was stopped before any damage was done. Thaddeus's plan to convince to join the Union for better protection failed.


As of 3139, the Union consists of four worlds: Hsien, Menkalinan, Saiph, capital world of Tall Trees.
