Turkina Keshik (Clan Jade Falcon)

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The Turkina Keshik is the personal unit of the Jade Falcon Khan. The Jade Falcon saKhan has no Keshik.

The Turkina Keshik has the size of a small cluster, consisting of several mech-trinaries.

Notable combat action for the Turkina Keshik was on Von Strang's world: The Turkina Keshik and the Falcon Guards were reconfigured to Arrow IV-rocket launchers and vaporized the fortress of the planet's dictator.

In the Trial of Refusal a binary of Jade Falcons fought against the ComGuards. Maybe they were recruited from the Turkina Keshik.

In 3061 the Turkina Keshik fought alongside Khan Marthe Pryde against Steel Viper-forces on several planets.