
ProjectTech M2.jpg
Capt'n Grognards and his trusty ol' unseen PXH-1 Phoenix Hawk Money 4 Nardin

History & Interests

Hi Folks! I figured it was time to pitch in and help out after several years of perusing and enjoying this incredible vault of BattleTech Universe knowledge that's been painstakingly compiled over the years.

I got into BattleTech when I was kid in the 90's, a buddy of mine had the original TRO:3025 in his backpack at school one day and that unseen Marauder caught my eye, it turned in to a conversation about giant stompy robots, and semi-regular tabletop sessions until I discovered the novels. I read every single one I could get my hands on as well as any sourcebooks, TROs, anything with stories and pictures. I got back into it BT a few years ago via the MechWarrior video games and MegaMek, after a very long hiatus. I love playing the game but what has really captured my imagination is the lore, the personalities, and the gritty feeling of the BattleTech universe which didn't have space wizards and for every sci-fi technology, you could pop an access panel off and peer in at all the parts.

My interests here are:

  1. FASAnomics, specifically:
    1. Industrial Production
    2. JumpShip Economics
  2. The Periphery
  3. IntroTech/ca. 3025 era mechs
  4. Completing entries for various minutae mentioned in the lore
  5. BattleTech Universe history in general
  6. BattleTechWiki:Project_Technology
  7. BattleTechWiki:Project Orphanage