Winthrop Rodriguez

Winthrop Rodriguez
AffiliationClan Sea Fox

ovKhan Winthrop Rodriguez was the commander of Skate Khanate's Alpha Aimag, and Bloodnamed warrior of the Rodriguez Bloodhouse, as of 3145.[1]


Early Career[edit]

In 3115 while still an inexperienced Star Captain, Winthrop was sent to the Capellan Confederation world of Chamdo, with the assignment of obtaining a contract to distribute the world's prized Acton Gin. In this task he was pitted against a Star Captain Petr, another Clan Sea Fox merchant-warrior, who was given the same goal. In the negotiations, Winthrop was successful, managing to convince the planetary leader Shanna Letendre to allow him to gazump a deal Petr had arranged with the gin's manufacturer Acton Distillery.

This triumph was however turned into disaster when the enraged and overly emotional Petr declared a Trial of Grievance against Winthrop over his actions. During the combat Petr quickly took the advantage, but fearing the loss of her rights under the deal struck with Winthrop, Shanna Letendre intervened to assist him with elements of the Chamdo Home Guard. The Acton Distillery House Defense forces then joined the battle on Petr's side, turning the trade dispute into a civil war. Disgusted with the unfolding disaster, Petr and Winthrop's Star Colonel declared the Trial invalid and ordered them both off the planet, leaving them both with damaged reputations.[2]

Alpha Aimag[edit]

Despite this setback, Winthrop later won his bloodname and ascended to command of Alpha Aimag, though he never stopped hating the later SaKhan of the Spina Khanate Petr Kalasa for his actions on Chamdo. Winthrop continued to try to undermine Petr his later career progression, even as he become successful within the Free Worlds League and a favorite of Khan Mori Hawker.[2]

Rodriguez, with Alpha Aimag, was based on the Merchant Carrack-class CargoShip Thalassa as of 3145.[1]


Winthrop was known to have piloted a Black Hawk BattleMech.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Field Manual: 3145, p. 169
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Cutting the Competition
