Special page

Uploads by Amaroq_Dricaldari

This special page shows all uploaded files.

File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description
16:23, 30 May 2018 MW4-M Mad Cat.png (file) 129 KB Optimized the image, reducing its file size to roughly 61% of its original value. This was done for faster loading on slow connections.
16:20, 30 May 2018 MadCat Prime-Mechwarrior3rdEdition.PNG (file) 218 KB Optimized file to roughly 52% original file size, for faster loading on slow network connections. Also noticed a discrepancy in the loadout; Timber Wolf Prime does not have an ERPPC.
16:14, 29 May 2018 MWO Timber Wolf.png (file) 771 KB Optimized the PNG with OptiPNG, PNGCrush and DeflOpt, reducing the file size but preserving image quality and compatibility.