MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries/Trojan Horse
After nearly a year of preparation, the Draconis Combine’s capital world of Luthien is ready to defend against Clan Smoke Jaguar, which is expected to arrive in Luthien’s atmosphere within the week. After nearly two years of fighting with the Clans, there have been few victories for the Inner Sphere. The Combine’s only significant victory occurred on Wolcott eight months ago.
Political analysts predict that if the DC forces lose Luthien, the Combine will fragment into hundreds of warring single-world “pocket empires” without the military power or political acumen to present a united front against the Clan invasion.
While the exact forces arrayed against Clan Smoke Jaguar have not been released, reliable sources report that there are at least five Draconis regiments and an equal number of mercenaries already on Luthien. The Combine is still seeking mercenary units to assist in the defense of their capital, but despite their generous offers, few have signed up for what one mercenary described as “a suicide mission.”
Draconis Combine Campaign – Luthien Defense Force
The Draconis Combine and the Federated Commonwealth are calling all mercenary units to the defense of the Draconis Combine capital of Luthien. Clan Smoke Jaguar will attack within the next two months. The Combine promises a reward of 6,000,000 C-Bills to any and all experienced units willing to participate in the three month campaign. Assault and heavy mercenary units only, please. The Combine will pay for all reasonable ammunition expenses.
ComStar Contract Evaluation
- World: Luthien
- Duty: Planetary Defense
- Begin Date: January 15, 3052
- End Date: June 15, 3052
- Maximum Pay: 10,000,000 C-Bills plus bounty and bonus
- Minimum Pay: Bounty
- Salvage Rights: Excellent
Trojan Horse
MechWarrior’s Campaign Journal
January 3, 3052
We learned today that the Jaguars have arrived. Their JumpShips have been in-system for hours, and there has been fierce combat in space. A friend of mine in the Kell Hounds tells me that the airbase his unit has been guarding has suddenly become very active. Whole groups of aerospace fighters have been taking off with full combat loads and returning empty, or not at all. The order of battle reads like a “who’s who” list of Inner Sphere MechWarriors, but I really can’t convince myself it will be enough against the Clans.
January 4, 3052
Not much time to write, the Jaguars are down. We were ordered out this morning. Right now, I am waiting for our ambush to be set. Recon reports the Jaguars less than ten minutes out and closing fast. I forgot how fast this large-scale combat can be.
Coordinator Takashi Kurita, Draconis Combine High Command: I will be leading the defense of Luthien myself. You will be taking your orders directly from me. Do not fail me.
Kurita: The Smoke Jaguars have arrived. While the battle for the skies continues, we must gain an advantage on the ground as quickly as possible. We have prepared an ambush for a small strike force of Clan ‘Mechs.
Kurita: Several industrial ‘Mechs used for construction have been filled with bombs, and mocked up with fake armor to look combat-ready. The Smoke Jaguars, always eager for blood, will no doubt close quickly for the kill and seal their own fate. Attack once you hear the bombs explode. Then secure the area.
- Codename: Trojan Horse
- Planet: Luthien
- Terrain: Urban Wastes
- Time: Day
- Mean Temperature: 30 Celsius
- Mission Pay: Bounty only
- Expected Resistance: 31st Smoke Jaguar Assault
- Your Call-Sign: Assault-3
Kurita: Wait in your hiding place for the fake ‘Mechs to explode. Then destroy all enemies. You may need to search the NAV points to find them.
- Target: Destroy all Clan ‘Mechs
Coordinator Takashi Kurita, Draconis Combine High Command: You successfully ambushed the Smoke Jaguars and survived their counterambush. Your flank of the battle-front is now secure. The Jaguars are concentrating their units just south of your position. Pull back to a repair facility and prepare to enter battle immediately. You have fought well, MechWarrior.