Talk:Senator of Augustine

Senator of Augustine?

So, we have a Canon Conflict issue, here. Dark Age: Republic of the Sphere, p. 3 - "The Senate" says, and I quote, "The citizens of each Prefecture elect three to four Senators—depending upon the number of worlds in the Prefecture—to serve in the Senate." Same source, it is "a body of thirty to forty individuals". At its height, the RoS had over 200 systems divided into ten Prefectures, Roman numerals I through X. I think the Senator was from Augustine, but would have served as Senator of the Prefecture in which Augustine lay: Prefecture VII. I lack most of the Republic source material, so I am going to hold off until someone with better sources can cross-check me on this. I am open to the possibility that the canon also directly contradicts itself on this issue: the whole thing seems a muddled mess. --Talvin (talk) 11:14, 15 March 2022 (EDT)