Dylan Dray

Dylan Dray

Dylan Dray was an Acolyte in the 104th Division (The Rhinos (V-lambda).[1][2][3]


Dray was part of the mass of ComStar MechWarriors tasked with bringing down Aidan Pryde's Timber Wolf on the Prezno Plains as he acted as rearguard for the Clan Jade Falcon retreat from the Battle of Tukayyid. His ’Mech began malfunctioning, seemingly unable to obtain a lock on the Timber Wolf as Pryde appeared to manifest the Phantom Mech ability. Dray fired the last shot, targeting the emerald eyes of the Jade Falcon painted on the torso. Neither Dray nor other members of The Rhinos claimed credit for the kill.[1][2][3]


Dray piloted a STG-3G Stinger, with the BattleMech Serial Number CS233-STG-3G. After the battle with Aidan Pryde his ’Mech continued to have intermittent targeting and sensor anomalies, which appeared to propagate to other BattleMechs it interfaced with. ComStar Technicians elected to strip the entire computer hardware from the Stinger. Rumors persisted for years of attempts to weaponize the "White Rhino Virus"[1][2][3]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Tukayyid (scenario pack), pp. 66-67: "Pryde's Pride"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 13, p. 6
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Recognition Guide, Vol. 1: Classics, p. 14
