Jonathan Humphreys

Jonathan Humphreys
AffiliationHouse Humphreys
Title(s)Duke of Andurien[1]

Jonathan Humphreys was a noble of the Free Worlds League and Duke of Andurien during the First Succession War.[1]


After the Free Worlds League signed the Bella Accords with the Lyran Commonwealth and Captain-General Charles Marik assumed control of the nation, Duke Humphreys was dispatched to negotiate a similar peace agreement with the Capellan Confederation. While Humphreys initially expected a difficult negotiation process, Chancellor Ilsa Liao was surprisingly receptive to the League's offer. By the end of November 2823, Humphreys and Liao had laid down a formal armistice that ratified the nations' borders and enabled a comprehensive POW exchange.[1]

When the Free Worlds League Parliament argued about restoring funding to the Free Worlds League Military during the ComStar War, Duke Humphreys championed the call to restore funding to the League's flagging troops. On 4 January 2842, Parliament voted 213 to 185 to restore the military's funding and to hold off on censuring Charles Marik for his part in instigating the ComStar War.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 First Succession War, p. 121: "Peace Overtures"
  2. Second Succession War, p. 51: "The Four-front War: Operation COOKIE JAR and the ComStar War"
