Recoilless Rifle (Heavy)

Revision as of 14:55, 28 June 2011 by (talk)
Heavy Recoilles Rifle


The Recoilless Rifle (Heavy) is the heaviest type of recoilless rifle available to infantry.[1] It works by launching a high-explosive rocket at the target while simultaneously ejecting high-velocity gas, known as backblast, out the rear end of the weapon. The backblast can be dangerous, which for the heavy rifle extends out to a range of 10 meters. The recoilless rifle can fire a wide variety of alternative warheads, including anti-personnel, anti-vehicle, flash, gas, inferno, Narc, smoke and stun. The heavy recoilless rifle is too large to be shoulder-fired, limiting its use to defensive emplacements. However it provides much more firepower by firing a larger warhead than the smaller variants.


Item:Recoilles Rifle (Heavy)
Equipment Rating:C/A/E
Ordinance Rating: (E)
Range: 70/225/450/700 meters
Shots: 1
Cost/Reload: 4000/*
Affiliation: -
mass: 60kg
notes: Crew: 3; Backblast: 10m


  1. Lostech, p. 41
