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Star League era
2678 | 2679 | 2680 | 2681 | 2682 | 2683 | 2684 | 2685 | 2686
Find all references to year 2682 - One link per entry (See Years Policy)


  • First Hidden War continues, with a total five SLDF MechWarriors killed and twelve injured in duels against the undefeated DCMS ronin.


  • First Lord Michael Cameron orders the SLDF to refuse any further duels despite the loss of honor.



  • Swift aerospace fighter finally is accepted into service for the SLDF years of technical difficulties.
  • SHD-X1 Shadow Hawk LAM prototypes conduct flight trials and crash. Distorting public perception of the concept.
  • Vengeance-class DropShip is introduced.