Hagan Industries

Hagan Industries
Corporation Profile
AffiliationTerran Hegemony
HeadquartersCarver V
Product(s)Naval Vessels

Hagan Industries was a longtime manufacturer of sea vessels, both civilian and military.


Initially focused on civilian ferries, namely the Hagan Cargo Ferry, Hagan Industries branched out to military production during the era of the Star League, supplying the SLDF's CAAN regiments.[1]


Hagan Industries has a manufacturing center on the following planet:

Carver V[edit]

Components produced on Carver V:[1]
Component Type
Naval Vessels
Hagan Cargo Ferry[1] Civilian Transport
BattleMech Landing Craft[1] Transport


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Technical Readout: Irregulars, p. 12: "BattleMech Landing Craft"
