BattleMech Turret

There are three varieties of Mech Turret. All Mech Turrets are built using the same rules as a Combat Vehicle. The weight rules still apply for any weapons mounted in said turret. However, the turret is not an independent piece of the Mech, it is only counted as a piece of the location it is mounted (Head, Shoulder, Torso). One critical hit must he allocated for the turning mechanism of the turret. If this receives a critical, the turret is jammed in the last position it was in.


TacticalOperations (Pg. 347)


Quad Mech Turret

The Quad Battle Mech Turret is used explicitly on Quad BattleMech. It is capable of rotating 360 degrees, like a standard vehicle turret, with no downsides. The turret mechanism critical is placed in one of the torsos.

Head Turret

A Head Turret can be mounted on a Bipedal Mech, or a Quad Mech. It follows the same rules as a Quad Mech turret, except the critical is placed in the head.

Shoulder Turret

Lastly, a Bipedal Mech can mount a Mech Shoulder Turret. This turret cannot rotate the full 360 degrees that a head turret or Quad Mech turret can. It can aim to the forwards, rear, and side arc where it is mounted. It cannot be rotated towards the opposite direction of where the turret is mounted (so, a left shoulder mounted turret can't aim to the right arc of a Mek, and vice versa), as the Mech would be shooting through it's own head.