Interstellar Arms

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Interstellar Arms
Corporation Profile
AffiliationFronc Reaches
Parent CorporationInterstellar Agriculture Concerns


The loss of the Fronc Reaches' only BattleMech manufacturing facility when the Magistracy of Canopus and then the Capellan Confederation annexed the world of Detroit led to President Elaine Hadley implementing a number of changes after she came to power in 3092.[1] One of the major changes was her instruction that the remaining two arms producers in Reaches space—Colonial Tractors of Fronc and Interstellar Agricultural Concerns of Rockwellawan—increase production to compensate for the loss of Detroit.[2]

Interstellar Agriculture Concerns, keen to maintain its reputation as a primarily civilian manufacturer, responded by spinning off a subsidiary company to deal with the demands for increased military production. That company, Interstellar Arms, went on to begin manufacturing a number of light BattleMech designs by 3105, as well as taking over the manufacture of the Vedettes originally produced by IAC. BattleMech production was still relatively slow by 3145, however.[2]

The Interstellar Arms manufacturing facilities on Rockwellawan consist of a number of factories dotted across the continent of Corundum.[2]


Interstellar Arms has manufacturing centers in the following locations:


Components produced on Rockwellawan:
Component Type
Combat Vehicles
Vedette (from 3092)[1][2] Tracked Vehicles
LCT-1V Locust (from 3105)[1][2] Light BattleMech
STG-3R Stinger (from 3105)[1][2] Light BattleMech
WSP-1A Wasp (from 3105)[1][2] Light BattleMech


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Field Manual: 3145, p. 186: "Fronc Reaches"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Field Manual: 3145, p. 189: "Fronc Reaches"
