Rear Admiral

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Inner Sphere Military Ranks
Field Officer
General Officer
For specific ranks see Military Ranks


In the SLDF, a rear admiral was the commanding officer of a fleet or shipyard.[1]

Armed Forces of the Federated Suns[edit]

In the AFFS, Rear Admiral is the naval equivalent of a Leftenant General. They typically command the AeroSpace Brigade (two wings) of a Regimental Combat Team.[2] In the Naval Service, they command multiple DropShip squadrons, small flotillas of JumpShips, or serve as the executive officer of an AFFS WarShip.[3]

AFFS Rear Admiral insignia by branch of service
Rank MechWarrior AeroSpace Fighter Infantry Armor Naval Crew Technical
Administrative Medical Legal Logistics/
Rear Admiral
(Leftenant General)
LeftenantGeneralMW.png LeftenantGeneralASF.png LeftenantGeneralInf.png LeftenantGeneralarmor.png LeftenantGeneralnaval.png LeftenantGeneraltech.png LeftenantGeneraladmin.png LeftenantGeneralmedical.png LeftenantGenerallegal.png LeftenantGenerallogistics.png


  1. The Star League, p. 112: "Lieutenant General"
  2. House Davion (The Federated Suns), p. 126: "Leftenant General"
  3. Field Manual: Federated Suns: p. 28
