Dominic Brinkman

Dominic Brinkman
AffiliationMarian Hegemony

Dominic Brinkman was the commander of the VI Prima Cohors, a part of the VI Legio, from at least 3145 to 3152.[1][2]


Prefect Brinkman, with VI Prima Cohors, was based on Algenib as of 3145.[1]

In April 3152, Brinkman was on Booker with his unit, when a Magistracy of Canopus counter-assault under the command of Isolde Centrella landed on the world. When attempting to contest the Canopian landing, the Marian defenders were surprised by the level of Clan technology Centrella's force possessed, resulting in Brinkman ordering Perfect Oswaldo Jude and his BattleMechs to retreat. Jude ignored these orders, fearing it would play into the range advantaged enjoyed by his enemies, and instead charged the dropzone. This attack successfully destroyed most of the First Canopian Brigade's Command Company, but Jude's unit also suffered heavy damage.[2]

Following the remains of Jude's unit falling back, Brinkman moved his unit to engage the larger Magistracy force as it sought to enter the city of Hamilton. While his heavier units outgunned the lighter Canopian 'Mechs, Brinkman was outmaneuvered by Centrella within the restricted space of the city, allowing Isolde to threaten and then capture his DropShips.

Retreating and attempting to consolidate the remaining Marian forces, Brinkman later attempted a renewed attack on the Hamilton DropPort on 9 May, but was encircled after again being outmaneuvered, and surrendered to Isolde Centrella.[3]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Field Manual: 3145, p. 202
  2. 2.0 2.1 Empire Alone, p. 70
  3. Empire Alone, p. 71
